mom driving car
Quality fuels

Quality fuels to get more out of your journey

When you drive your car, it could get muddy and weather beaten. What is less visible are the deposits that can also build up in your engine. Our Mobil Synergy™ gasoline is designed to clean your car's engine which helps give you better fuel economy. Drive into our stations and we'll help you get more out of your journeys.

Q: What is "Synergy"?

A: Synergy continues to be the brand name of fuels sold at Mobil service stations.

Q: What is the difference between the old and the new Synergy Extra and Synergy Supreme+ gasoline?

A: We have increased the amount of additive in our Synergy Extra and Synergy Supreme+ gasoline to provide a deeper engine clean and help improve fuel economy.

Q: What about Synergy Diesel?

A: Our Synergy Diesel formulation remains unchanged.

Q: What does the Synergy gasoline mean for the engine? i.e. What does this mean for all the different fuel grades and diesel?

A: We have increased the amount of additive in our Synergy Extra and Synergy Supreme+ gasoline. Our Synergy Extra will help improve fuel economy, engine performance, and reduce emissions whilst Synergy Supreme+, with double the additive of Synergy Extra, is engineered for top performance to improve fuel economy, engine performance, protect against corrosion, clean your engine, and reduce emission.

Our Synergy Diesel continues to be of higher cetane than minimum ASTM D975 requirement.

Q: What will the additives do for the car?

A: At Mobil, we believe in offering our customers high quality fuels that help improve their journeys. That's why our Synergy Extra and Synergy Supreme+ gasoline now contains an increased amount of additive, to help provide a deeper engine clean and help improve fuel economy.

Q: What are the benefits of Synergy Supreme+?

A: Synergy Supreme+ gasoline is our best gasoline grade with a formulation to help unleash your car's potential. Our Synergy Supreme+ is formulated with RON95^, the highest octane gas on the island. It contains double the additive than Extra, engineered for top performance to help:

  • Improve fuel economy
  • Improve engine performance and responsiveness
  • Clean your engine
  • Protect against corrosion
  • Reduce emissions

Q: What is Synergy Extra?

A: Synergy Extra gasoline has improved additives to help:

  • Improve fuel economy
  • Improve engine performance
  • Reduce emissions

Q: What is Synergy Diesel?

A: Our quality Synergy Diesel continues to be of higher cetane than the minimum ASTM D975 requirement.

Q: How much fuel economy can I expect from Mobil's Synergy Fuels?

A: Actual benefits vary depending on various factors including, but not limited to, vehicle type, driving style, and fuel previously used.

  • synergy

    Mobil Synergy Gasoline

    Mobil's Synergy gasoline is engineered to help clean your engine for better fuel economy and performance.

    Learn more about Mobil Synergy fuels
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    Drive into our stations and enjoy Mobil's improved Synergy gasoline as well as great value and convenience at our convenience stores.

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Disclaimer: Research Octane Number is the numerical rating of knock resistance for a fuel during acceleration, which is a component of the Octane number posted on the pump. It is not the Octane rating itself, so it will not be the number you see when you are at the pump.